Matthias Küntzel: "October 7th and the Shoah"
video & more
Aaron Hagler: "Who is 'The Jew' in Early and Later Islamic Texts?"
video & more
Adam Kirsch: "The Ideology of Settler Colonialism and the Response to Oct. 7"
video & more

Rabbi Elliot Cosgrove: "For Such a Time as This: Being Jewish After October 7"
video & more
Pavel Brunssen and Andrei Markovits "From Chants to Change: German Soccer's Unique Response to Antisemitism Post-October 7"
video & more


Damir Cavar: "Automated Content Detection: The Basics"
video & more
Günther Jikeli and Katharina Soemer: "Manual Annotation: Why and How?"
video & more
Günther Jikeli and Katharina Soemer: "Online Antisemitism Before and After October 7"
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Mara Lee Grayson: "The Contemporary Racialization of the Jew and its Impact on Campus Antisemitism"
video & more
Cary Nelson: "The Future of Campus Antisemitism after October 7"
video & more
Dave Rich:"Antisemitism in the UK since the October 7 Attack"
video & more
Cary Nelson: "The Perilous Campus Scene: Encampment versus Enlightenment"
video & more
Michal Cotler-Wunsh: "The Hamas Massacre of October 7 and Responses to It: A Chronology of Hate"
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Ilan Troen: "Religious Dimensions of the Israeli/Palestinian Dispute"
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Elhanan Yakira: "Spinoza, Arendt, and Contemporary Israel Bashing"
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Françoise Ouzan: "Being a GI Jew in World War II: Coping with Hostile Attitudes in the American Military"
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Jacob Kovalio: "The Global Phenomenon of Conspiratorial Antisemitism"
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Richard Landes: "Jewish Anti-Zionism and Masochistic Messianism"
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Corinne Blackmer: "Queer Anti-Zionism: Antisemitism in Queer Communities Then and Now"
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Dave Rich: "Everyday Hate: How Antisemitism is Built into Our World and How We Can Change It"
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Izabella Tabarovsky: "Soviet Antizionism and Contemporary Left Antisemitism"
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Ellie Cohanim: "Is Antisemitism an Integral Part of the Islamic Republic of Iran's DNA?"
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Yehudit Barsky: "Islamist Antisemitism in the United States: Recent Developments"
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Christopher Leighton: "Contending with Christian Supersessionism: When Best Intentions Falter"
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John Pawlikowski: "Removing the Shadow on the Cross: Rooting Out Antisemitism from Christian Teaching"
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David Bernstein: "Does Radical Social Justice Ideology Fuel Antisemitism?"
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Dan Michman: "'Antisemitism': The Origins, Structure, and Contested Reception of the Term"
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Magda Teter: "Christian Supremacy: Reckoning with the Roots of Antisemitism and Racism"
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Ruth Cohen-Dar: "What is Israel's Role in the Fight Against Antisemitism?"
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Meron Medzini: "Anti-Semitism and Philo-Semitism — Their Role in the Birth of Israel"
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Jarrod Tanny: "Antisemitism in the Academy and the Fate of Jewish Studies: An Insider's View"
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Walter Russell Mead: "The Arc of a Covenant: The United States, Israel, and the Fate of the Jewish People"
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Tammi Rossman-Benjamin: "Antisemitism and the Politics of Ethnic Studies in California's K-12 and Higher Education Classrooms"
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Linda Maizels: "The American Political Left's Response to Antisemtism"
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Gideon Botsch: "Current Developments of Antisemitism in Germany's Far-Right"
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Jan Gross: "'Neighbors': Twenty Years Later"
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Gallia Lindenstrauss: "Smooth Sailing or Rough Seas: Turkey, Israel and the Jews in Turkey After the 2022 Normalization"
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Suzanne Brown-Fleming: "'Love and Mercy' After the Holocaust: The Vatican's Postwar Clemency Campaign"
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Yehuda Bauer: Antisemitism — A Fresh Look
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Yana Grinshpun: Judeophobia and "Islamophobia" in Today's France: Symbolism, Doxa, and Reality
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Franziska Haug: The Function of Antisemitism in Queer-Feminist Discourse
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Ben Cohen: Pandemics, Hate Crimes and Riots: Media Coverage of Antisemitism Since 2020
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Ofir Winter: Making Peace with the Jews? Contemporary Islamic Arguments for and Against Normalization
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Kenneth L. Marcus: The Wayward Healer: Iatrogenic Antisemitism and the Perils of Intervention
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Thane Rosenbaum: "Occupation," "Apartheid," and "Ethnic Cleansing": The Trifecta Libel Against Israel
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Martin Kramer: Semites, Anti-Semites, and Bernard Lewis: The Life and Afterlife of a Seminal Book
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Jan Grabowski: "Night Without End": New Scholarship on the Holocaust in Poland
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Jeffrey Herf: Myths and Realities about Israel's Establishment: Their Relevance for Discussions of Contemporary Antisemitism
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Sam Sokol: Russia's "Denazification" of Ukraine: The Weaponization of Antisemitism in Contemporary Hybrid Conflict
video & more
Philip Spencer and Marlene Gallner: The Politics of Holocaust Memory
Remco Ensel, Esther Ham, and Alvin Rosenfeld: Anne Frank; Changes of Symbolism and Memory of the Holocaust
Hillel Neuer: A Nation That Dwells Alone: The Demonization of Israel at the U.N.
Holly Huffnagle: What Works? Successful Interventions to Counter Antisemitism
Rabbi David Wolpe: Why Antisemitism Makes ‘Sense’: Reflections on the Psychology of the Antisemite
Karin Stögner: Antisemitism, Israel Denial, and Gender - A Critique of Certain Intersectionalities
Sergio DellaPergola: How Best to Define Antisemitism: A Structural Approach
ppt, video
Tad Stahnke, Aleisa Fishman, and Klaus Mueller: Innovations in Holocaust Education in a Changing Germany
Rusi Jaspal : The Changing Face of Antisemitism: Insights from Social Psychology
ppt, video
Irwin Cotler : Antisemitism: Assault on Human Rights and Our Common Humanity
Fernando Lottenberg: Antisemitism in the Americas: Current Challenges
video and manuscript
Marlene Gallner : Virtuous Antisemitism: What Jean Améry Can Teach Us About Anti-Zionism and Antisemitism on the Left
Anne Herzberg and Josh Kern : The Apartheid Calumny: Antisemitism and the Instrumentalization of International Law
video and PPT
Laszlo Borhi: Arrow Cross Terror in Budapest, 1944/1945: Its Implications Then and Now.
David Patterson : What Drives Antisemitism? A Search for Its Political/Mythological Roots
video and PPT
Sina Arnold : Antisemitism and the Contemporary American Left
Oren Gross : Progressive and Jew: Rereading Sartre in Light of Today’s Antisemitism"
Bruce Hoffman : The Rise of The Domestic Terrorist Threat in the United States From the Far Right
James Waller : The Escalating Risk of Mass Violence in the United States
Evyatar Friesel: Antisemitism-light: A Worrying Stance and its Jewish Supporters
Einat Wilf: Western Anti-Zionism and Arab Zionism
David Hirsh: Loyalty Tests and the Construction of a Hostile Environment for Jews in Academic Spaces
video and ppt
Aleksandra Gliszczynska-Grabias: Do Human Rights Still Apply to the Jewish People? On Weakening the Human Rights Law Protection against Antisemitism
Anthony Julius: Antisemitism as a Hostile Environment – Theory and Contemporary Instances
András Kovács: Antisemitism in post-Communist Hungary p
Yana Grinspun : New Forms of Antisemitism in Contemporary France
Philip Spencer: Currents Debates about Antisemitism in the UK
Zbyněk Tarant: Visual Antisemitism - Old and New Symbols
Jan Grabowski: Holocaust Distortion And the Future of Holocaust Memory: The Case of Poland
Gerald Steinberg: NGOs, Antisemitism, and the IHRA Working Definition
Armin Lange: From Plague to Coronavirus: The Myth of Jewish Disease-Spreading and the Old Roots of a Contemporary Slander
Mark Silinsky: Iranian Antisemitism: The Islamic Republic's Ongoing Defamation of Israel and the Jews
Efraim Zuroff and Rūta Vanagaitė: Searching for the Truth about the Mass Murder of Lithuanian Jews
Matthias Kuentzel: Islamic Antisemitism: Its Origins, Nature, and Contemporary Consequences
Mark Weitzman: Distorting the Holocaust: Antisemitism and the Politicization of History and Memory
Olaf Gloeckner: German Antisemitism from the Far Right: Debates around ‘Alternative for Germany’ (AfD)
Miriam F. Elman: Left Antisemitism in the United States: How Jewish Groups Give Cover to the anti-Zionist Movement
video and presentation slides
Bernard Harrison: Blaming the Jews. Politics and Delusion
Video and Powerpoint Slides
Cary Nelson: The Return of Christian Supersessionism
Tammi Rossman-Benjamin: Denying Jewish Self-Definition: The Latest Trend in Campus Antisemitism in America and What Can Be Done About It?
Video and Powerpoint Slides
Dina Porat: Defining and Monitoring Antisemitism: Current Challenges
Rafal Pankowski: Antisemitism in Contemporary Poland: Nationalism, Populism, and Conspiracy Theories
Katharina von Schnurbein: New Developments in the European Response to Antisemitism
Dave Rich: From Corbyn to Covid: How Antisemitism Is Changing For British Jews
Webinar Details