Yana Grinshpun (Sorbonne Nouvelle University)
"Judeophobia and "Islamophobia" in Today’s France: Symbolism, Doxa, and Reality"
Sunday, December 4, 2022
Yana Grinshpun is a senior Lecturer at Sorbonne Nouvelle University. She is particularly interested in discourse analysis and media analysis. Her research in recent years is concentrated on the functioning of the media discourse and, in particular, on the propaganda and manipulation spread by the media in democratic societies. Grinshpun’s most recent works concern the rise of antisemitism in France. She is a member of an academic network RRA (Research on Racism and Antisemitism). She directs a research group “New radical discourses” and gives lectures on a regular basis to the special educators working with “radicalized” youth.
Her next book to be published in French (ed. L’Harmattan), La fabrique des discours propagandistes contemporains will offer a detailed analysis of contemporary propaganda methods.